Potting Shed Cleanup

Tuesday, March 24

9:30 am - 12:00 pm

This crazy un-spring-like weather has made it difficult to arrange a decent clean-up at the Potting Shed this month.  As many of you might have noticed, the grounds surrounding the Potting Shed are in pretty bad shape.  The district hauled out an old septic tank / line and have left quite a mess.  We are awaiting the grading / grass-growing but in the meantime, we need to do some work there to get the place ready for our spring programming (if spring ever truly arrives!).
This Tuesday 9:30 am – noon we will be working there doing the following tasks:
  • removing winter greenery from the pots
  • tidying up the interior of both Potting Shed and greenhouse
  • prepping the greenhouse space for Nick Mancini’s workshop next week
  • sowing peas & spinach in the new beds
  • maybe planting pansies in the pots (we shall see what I can find for that job)
Who is in?  Let Erin know if you are able to join for any part of that fun!