Flower Show Prep: General Rules

Rowayton Gardeners present a NGC Small Standard Flower Show
Celebrating Historical Rowayton
March 12, 2016 Saturday 1-4 pm, Sunday, March 13 12-3pm
At the Pinkney House in Pinkney Park
Rowayton Ave., Rowayton CT 06853
Open to the Public at no charge
Rowayton Gardeners are members of The National Garden Clubs, Inc.
The New England Region of National Garden Clubs, and
The Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut, Inc.

General Rules

  1. This is a Small Standard Flower Show according to the requirements and objectives of the National Garden Clubs, Inc.
  2. THE SCHEDULE IS THE LAW OF THE SHOW. Advanced entry registration required in all classes.   All exhibits must be approved by the Classification Chair before exhibitor leaves the floor.
  3. Flower Show entries open only to Rowayton Gardeners’ members.
  4. Standard System of Awards will be used.
  5. Plants on the Preservation list of CT Wild Plants & List of CT Invasive Plants, may not be used in any Division.
  6. All show entries will be received Friday, March 11, 11:00-4:00pm.
  7. Judging will begin Saturday, March 12 at 10 am. Chairmen allowed on the floor during judging: Chairman, Entry Chair for Horticulture, Entry Chair for Design, Club President, Judges, and Clerks
  8. The Show will be open to the public Saturday, March 12, 1:00-4:00pm and Sunday, March 13, 12:00-3:00pm.
  9. All exhibits must be in place for the duration of the show and must be removed between 3:00 and 4:00 pm Sunday, March 13th.
  10. Although care will be taken, Rowayton Gardeners cannot be held responsible for loss or damage.

Division I. Horticulture
Rules for Horticulture Division

  1. All horticulture must be fresh plant material grown by the exhibitor.
  2. All specimens must be named, giving genus and species, common name may be added. Exhibitor may enter more than one entry per class or sub-class, if each is different. (i.e.color). Classes may be subdivided by color, type or cultivar on the day of the show, if necessary.
  3. All plants must have been in exhibitor’s possession at least 90 days.
  4. Clean, neutral-colored containers, with saucers, are preferred for grown plants.
  5. Clear containers will be used for cut specimens, provided by exhibitor. Exhibitor must provide wedging.
  6. All entries must be well groomed and free of disease and insects.
  7. All entries must be passed by the Classification Chair.
  8. Cut specimens should not have foliage below the water line.
  9. Advanced entries must be sent to Entry Chair for Horticulture: Carol Giunta, 7 Hollow Spring Rd, Norwalk, CT 06854; 203-855-974; cagiunta@sbcglobal.net by February 22, 2016

Horticultural Point Scoring: Scales of Points

H3-13 Arboreals-Cut Specimens Only-Foliage/Flowering/Fruited/Coned

Plant Identification                      5

Cultural Perfection                    60

            Arboreal Specimen (30)

                        Maturity                    10

                        Form                            10

                        Stem                             10

            Foliage, Flowers, Fruit, Cones (30)

                        Spacing/positioning 5

                        Quantity                       5

                        Color                             5

                        Substance                    5

                        Texture                        5

                        Size                               5

  Condition/Grooming/Staging (25)

                        Healthy/Blemishes 10

                        Grooming                   10

                        Staging                         5

   Distinction                  ___      10


                               Total               100


H1-13 Flowering Specimens and Specimens with Colorful Bracts-Cut or Container Grown


Plant Identification                            5

Cultural Perfection (60)

            Peak of Perfection                  10

            Quantity                                    5

            Color                                        10

            Form                                       10

            Substance                                 5

            Texture                                     5

            Size                                           5

            Foliage/Stem                        10

Condition/Grooming/Staging (25)

Health/ Blemishes                            10

            Grooming                               10

           (including container)            5

Distinction                                   10

Total                           100


Horticulture Awards


National Garden Clubs, Inc. Awards

The Award of Horticultural Excellence: Rosette of green, orange, and blue ribbons. One is offered and may be awarded to the named highest scoring blue ribbon winner scoring 95 points or above in the entire Horticulture Division.

The Award of Merit: Rosette of Orange Ribbons. One is offered and may be awarded to the named blue ribbon winner scoring 95 or above in Section B.

The Arboreal Award: Rosette of green ribbons in two shades. One is offered and may be awarded to the named blue ribbon winner scoring 95 or above in Section D.

Grower’s Choice Award: Rosette of dark green ribbons.   One is offered and may be awarded to the named blue ribbon winner scoring 95 or above for container-grown plants. Section E is eligible.

The Federated Garden Clubs of CT, Inc. Awards

The Mary Lou Smith Award of Merit: Rosette of Turquoise and Green ribbons. Two are offered and may be awarded to the named blue ribbon winner scoring 95 or above in Section A and C.

Rowayton Gardeners Awards

The Club Award: The Eleanor Smith Horticulture Award may be presented to an exhibit of exceptional beauty and inspirational appeal.


Division I. Horticulture 

Section A: The Challenge Class of Forced Bulbs
Mary Lou Smith Award of Merit

Class 1. Tulipa Tulip, “Red Emperor”

Class 2. Narcissi, Daffodil, “Marieke”

Class 3. Hyacinthus, Hyacinth, “Blue Jacket”


Section B. Garden Blooming Cut Specimen
Award of Merit

Class 4. Crocus

Class 5. Narcissi

Class 6. Any Other


Section C. Cacti and Succulents
Mary Lou Smith Award of Merit

Class 7. Agave

Class 8. Aloe

Class 9. Columnar cacti

Class 10. Globular cacti

Class 11. Any Other


Section D. Flowering Arboreal Branches
Arboreal Award

One branch less than 24” (Note: Forced or natural grown)

Class 12. Shrub, deciduous grown for bloom

  1. Azalea
  2. Chaenomeles, Quince
  3. Enkianthus
  4. Fothergilla
  5. Magnolia
  6. Hamamelis, Witch Hazel
  7. Viburnum
  8. Spiraea
  9. Any other

Class 13. Shrub, evergreen grown for bloom-one branch less than 24”

  1. Kalmia, Mt. Laurel
  2. Leucothoe
  3. Pieris

d., Rhododendron

  1. Skimmia

Class 14. Trees in Bloom-one branch less than 24”

(Note: Forced or natural grown)

  1. Amelanchier, Shadbush
  2. Cercis, Redbud
  3. Magnolia
  4. Malus, Crabapple
  5. Prunus Cherry
  6. Pyrus, Pear
  7. Salix, Willow
  8. Stewartia
  9. Any other


Section E. Container Plants in Bloom
Grower’s Choice Award

Class 15. Begonia

Class 16. Camellia

Class 17. Gloxinia

Class 18. Hibiscus

Class 19. Orchid

Class 20. Pelargonium, Geranium

Class 21. Saintpaulia, African Violet

Class 22. Any Other


Division II. Design
Rules for the Design Division

  1. An exhibitor may make only one entry per class, but may enter as many classes as desired.
    1. Each exhibitor is responsible for providing a substitute if unable to exhibit.
    2. Entry must be the work of one individual.
  2. Plant material used must be listed on the entry card.
  3. No artificial flowers, foliage, fruit, or vegetables are permitted.
  4. Contrived flowers and other forms of real plant material, fresh or dried are permitted.
  5. Dried material may be treated or otherwise embellished.
  6. Landscapes or scenes are not permitted.
  7. Design Point Scoring for All Designs:

Conformance                                                                          (14)

Conformance to Type                                                      7

Conformance to other schedule requirements          7

Design Principles: (Balance, Contrast, Dominance, Proportion,   Rhythm, Scale) (each principle worth 8 points)                      48

Artistic concept-selection (6) & organization (6)    12

Expression-Interpretation                                           10

Distinction-superiority                                                  16

TOTAL                                                                           100

  1. Advanced entry registration is required and may be made by contacting Entry Chair for Design: Kathy Draper, 9 Nathan Hale Dr, Norwalk, CT. 06854; 203-866-9612; draper 62@msn.com. Entries should be registered no later than March 6, 2015.


Design Division Awards

The NGC Standard System of Awards will be used for all competitive judging.

National Garden Clubs, Inc. Awards

Best in Show: A Rosette of three blue ribbons. One is offered and may be awarded to the highest scoring exhibit over 90.

Rowayton Gardeners Awards

The Club Award: The Clara Bergamini Vase may be presented to the most creative design.


 Class 1. Along the River                                                                            4 entries

A Creative Design to complement an impressionist painting. To be staged on a white pedestal 40” high, 12” in diameter.


Class 2. Celebrating History                                                                      4-6 entries

A Small Design not to exceed 8” in any direction.   Exhibitors must provide 10” by 10” background and underlay that complements the design. Fresh or dried material may be used.

Class 3. Farmers Market                                                           4-6 entries

A Creative Design to be staged in an off-white niche 24” wide, 28” high, and 26” deep.



Gardening tools, old and new

A display of useful gardening tools, old and new, labeled as for use and effectiveness.