Committees are important to the achievement of Club goals and objectives. There are several standing committees and others may be formed by the President(s) on an as needed basis. These ad hoc committees may be dissolved by the President once their charge has been executed. A list of active committees is included in the Club’s Yearbook and on the Rowayton Gardener’s website, along with the names of their current Chairs.
There are no term limits for committee chairs, but in the event that a change in committee leadership takes place, the President(s) of the organization appoints the new Chairperson to fill the vacancy. Each Chair will maintain a timeline of responsibilities and activities to be reviewed annually and passed along to a successor in the case of a leadership change. The turnover of information will take place within one month of the change in leadership – normally (unless a change takes place at a time other than the Annual Meeting) by the middle of July. Regardless of whether or not a change takes place, the existing Chair will submit an annual report of committee activities to the President(s) in advance of the Annual Meeting. Some committee reports will be due March 1st so that they may be included in the report required by the Federated Garden Clubs of CT which is submitted by the Club each year.
Chairs are encouraged to involve members who have expressed an interest in participating. The Chair of each committee is responsible for choosing committee members and communicating with them during the scope of their involvement. Periodic change in leadership is desirable and Chairs should encourage assistant or Co-chairs as deemed appropriate.
The Chairpersons of several committees have an added responsibility to serve as members of the Rowayton Gardeners Board of Directors. These committees include (according to our By-Laws) Adult Programs, Christmas Market, Civic Beautification, Communications, Environmental Awareness, Garden Therapy, Horticulture, Hospitality, Membership, Spring Market and Potting Shed.