Fairy Land at the Potting Shed is open (strictly to one family at a time) for children and their parents! Join in the family fun of creating a home or two for the fairies who are sure to arrive with the flowers this spring.
We’ll provide some materials and a model fairy house to get our junior architects going. Please take only what you need and bring some of your own from home and your walks around town. We’ll check in from time to time to see if new supplies are needed, but the rest is up to you (and the fairies). Creativity, imagination and family fun are on the menu – please come and enjoy this special place!
PS The fairies get very sad when the Potting Shed and Fairy Land flowers are picked – instead, leave the blooms for everyone to enjoy.
PPS Best Building Materials: sticks, bark, stones & pebbles, small pinecones, things that glitter (a particular favorite of the fairies), ribbons, shells, buttons, nuts, etc.