Recycling Tip

Recycling can be confusing. To that end Skip the Plastic Norwalk is posting weekly recycling tips to help clear up some of the confusion. This week: OOPS! Plastic toys are not recyclable.

Sharing this weekly recycling tip from Skip the Plastic Norwalk: Plastic toys (hard plastic) are not recyclable regardless of their size. Instead of throwing them away, please try to repair, donate or contact the company that made it as some will replace or sell missing pieces, including Lego. Consider more sustainable options, too. NOTE: Norwalk does not use recycling symbols 1 – 7 to determine what is recyclable, nor does a recycling symbol automatically mean an item can be recycled. Skip the Plastic Norwalk is a grassroots group of Norwalk residents dedicated to raising awareness about the toxic effects of single-use plastics on our health, community, waterways, environment, and economy. For more information visit