Tuesday, September 14
12:00 am
Our September 14th ‘Lunch and Learn,’ ‘Demystifying Conifers,’ will consist of a lively, information-packed talk, and walk-about led by Carol Giunta, one of the Rowayton Gardeners’ talented and knowledgeable Master Gardeners. While you are munching your lunch, Carol will explain the world of Coniferous Trees, show some examples of commonly seen conifers in our area, and introduce you to the world of flat friendly firs, single square spruce, and prickly pine packets. After lunch, we will head across the field to try our hand at identifying the various conifers in the north border of the Community Center.
Here’s what to expect:
Program: ‘Lunch and Learn,’ ‘Demystifying Conifers’
Date/Time: Tuesday, September 14, 2021 from 12:30 to 1:30 PM
Location: The Potting Shed at the Rowayton Community Center
Lunch: Bring Your Own brown bag or boxed lunch. We will provide cutlery, plates, cups, napkins, drinks, and dessert
Fee: $10/members; $15 non-members
Max. Attendees: 15