– Chairs TBD
The Gardeners have been busy planting at the beach since 1956.
In 2006, the Gardeners established a berm of boulders with raised beds to screen and protect the picnic area from the parking lot as a gift to the community. The rocks and dune effect replicates the rock outcroppings that appear off the beach at low tide.
In 2009, with a grant from the 6th Taxing District, flower beds were established in front of the flagpole. In addition to yearly planting and maintenance of the established plantings, rejuvenation of the beds around the flagpole is a continuing project.
The damage caused by Hurricane Sandy in October 2012 was particularly devastating to the entire beach area so the Gardeners worked to restore the berm and beds. Thanks to Gardener Karen Laroque and her husband Gerry, a beautiful new planter was installed at the beach in 2014. Ongoing efforts include planting of beach hardy and appropriate grasses, roses and the like to minimize maintenance and provide naturalized berms.
In 2018, the Gardeners participated in the Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut’s Annual Project to create a xeriscape or drought-resistant garden that included both native and pollinator-friendly plants. With the changing climate and the need to preserve water, this xeriscape garden is both educational and important to the environment. The Gardeners planted Joe Pye Weed, Iron Weed, Milkweed, Monarda, Speedwell, Calamint and Verbena, just to name a few varieties. The group was awarded a prize for the Xeriscape Garden at the 2018 Annual Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut Award Luncheon.
The Gardeners continue to plant primarily drought resistant perennials and pollinator friendly plants in all the berms.