A hearty group of Gardeners heeded the call of Bayley Beach Chair Lilly Langotsky and descended upon the berms at Bayley to “coax” their vegetation back into order. In just over an hour the area was spiffed up and all the weeds and cuttings were spirited out of sight by the trusty Sixth TD crew. In spite of the discovery of a nasty nest of biting ants, the group had energy and time left over to water the planter near the boardwalk and then step back to admire their work!
Thanks to the hardworking group, some of them pictured above: Lilly Langotsky, Ann DiLeone, Charlotte Gannon, Linda Paolini, Phyllis Padro, Frani Taylor, Margaret Killip, Stella Thomas, Susanne Miller, Petrea Poler, Joze Roth, Kathy Leeds