Join us at the opening ceremonies for this new show! The festivities will run from 12-4 pm and include exhibits in the Rowayton Community Center, Rowayton Library, and at the Potting Shed – all on the grounds of the former Farrell Estate. There will be a special gardening event in the greenhouse, games, plein air painters, and special guests. There will also be an exhibit with more photographs and artifacts at the Pinkney Museum from 2-4 pm. Rowayton Gardeners & Friends have prepared a special afternoon at the old Potting Shed & Greenhouse behind the Community Center Garage for the entire community to enjoy. The 6th Taxing District Commissioners & the Gardeners are proud to open the doors to this historic building. Please bring your family and friends to explore this wonderful treasure that will be chock full of gardening fun and education. Activities include a fall bulb planting demonstration and bulb sale to benefit future Potting Shed programming, seasonal recipe ideas & demonstration, a compost & cold frame gardening talk, a scarecrow building station, lawn games, arts & crafts, and a chance to ask our crew of knowledgable gardeners all of your gardening questions. Celebrating the Farrell Legacy in Rowayton is a collaborative exhibit for the entire family brought to you by the Rowayton Historical Society, the Sixth Taxing District Planning Committee, Rowayton Gardeners, Rowayton Arts Center, and Rowayton Library.