Tuesday, June 30
1:00 pm - 2:15 pm
The Potting Shed will be offering outdoor art classes for ages 8-12 from the end of June through July. Professional artist, author and instructor Denise Minnerly will introduce participants to “Drawing, Painting and Sculpture” during the six weekly sessions on Tuesday afternoons from 1 to 2:15 pm starting on June 23rd and running through July 28th. Students will exercise their creative skills in drawing, painting and sculpture. Using the backdrop of the beautiful Potting Shed, students will focus on using the natural world to inspire their projects. Observation, perspective, expression and imagination all come into play in this program. Students will be encouraged to use their creativity while honing in on skills in all mediums. Most importantly students will have fun while creating! Safety is first and foremost and we are taking all precautions to ensure that each student has enough space to feel comfortable and be safe.
We must limit the class size to 10 participants to insure distancing and offer personalized instruction. The cost for the series is $150 per student. We expect registration to reach its limit quickly, so sign up here and pay now to secure your spot: