Saturday, September 8
9:30 am - 11:30 am
Our Farmers Market Boot Camp is a 2-part offering for kids aged 8 years old and up. In order to participate, children MUST attend both sessions: Friday, September 7th (3:30 to 5 pm) and Saturday, September 8th, (9:30 to 11:30 am). Bootcamp registration is limited to 15 participants and the deadline for payment is Wednesday, September 5th. Pay online for both sessions (you need only send the form in once) via PayPal or credit card – or ignore the online payment option and send your check for $25 per child (made out to Rowayton Gardeners) to Tory Woodruff, 17 Shagbark Road, Norwalk, CT 06854. Registration is not complete until payment is received and payment is non-refundable.
Fill out my online form.