Thursday, November 28
9:30 am - 10:30 am
We are pleased to announce that the Rowayton Gardeners will once again be a beneficiary of the annual Rowayton Turkey Trot, a 5k or 1 mile fun run which takes place on Thanksgiving morning 9.30 am, from the Community Center at 33 Highland Avenue. Its a great way to start your day and work up an appetite for that turkey, or just get people out of the house while the feast preparations are going on!
This will be the 7th year in a row we have benefitted from the Trot, and donations from the event really help us do what we do around town. You can show your support by signing up on line at rowaytonturkeytrot.com, or volunteer to help with the event on the day (it needs about 30 volunteers!), please let us know.