Tuesday, March 31
9:30 am - 11:30 am
NEW DATE: March 31, 9:30 – 11:30 am. Don’t miss this opportunity to get the ‘dirt’ on soil properties, pH, macro and micro nutrients, and other topics to help you prepare your garden for spring! Nick will discuss organic fertilizers and soil amendments and give tips for concocting your own formula to benefit the many cultivars in your garden.
Weather permitting, part of the workshop will be conducted in the Potting Shed Patch where Nick Mancini will demonstrate, and you can try out, techniques for preparing your soil prior to planting spring crops that will yield a bounty of good things!
Refreshments will be served and there will be time at the end of the workshop for questions and answers. Members: $20 Non-members: $25
Note that those who registered previously and paid for the March 17th session are auto magically carried over as registrants for the 31st. If they cannot attend on the new date they should contact Amy Tyson at ajtyson@me.com for a refund. (We will hold all of the checks until the day of the event).