Thanks to all who joined us to ‘Think Spring’ with a mini escape from those midwinter doldrums for a program called “Design a Sunny Perennial Border” on ZOOM February 6 with Jana Millbocker, lecturer, author and owner of Enchanted Gardens. Her lectures combine horticulture, design and travel tips to educate, inspire and delight new as well as seasoned gardeners.
Jana explained how to create garden borders that will delight us with colorful blooms and flowers for cutting from spring to fall. We learned about plant layering, new and reliable perennials, companion plants and design techniques that will make your garden POP.
During the program we also had Kelle Ruden, the 2nd VP & Membership chair from The Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut, Inc. attend to present three awards we received in 2024: the Luckner Youth Award for our after school educational program (ages 6-10); the Youth Award Club Citation for educational puppet shows (Kindergarteners) and the very prestigious Tribute Award to Amy Tyson for the outstanding work she does for our club.
It was a proud moment for all.