Q. How do I prune my Hydrangeas and when is the best time of year to do it?
A. Hydrangea pruning is a complicated matter! It depends…
If you have the new hybrid reblooming Hydrangeas, you may cut them back in fall to the size and shape you desire. Examples:

Hydrangeas that bloom later in summer and bloom only on new growth:
- May be cut back now as well.
- You may choose to cut back the above types in fall or in the spring.

Older Hydrangea species that that bloom only on last year’s buds:
- Leave as many tips as possible only cutting back dead, weak, twisted, low lying branches and clean up further in the spring.

All hydrangeas:
- If the brown heads bother you, cut the tips off and if they are mushy, cut them as soon as possible.
- When in doubt use the Older Hydrangea pruning method.