Polinator Pathway Summer Webinar: “Goodbye Lawn!” on Thursday June 27, 6:30-8:00 pm
Register for Zoom link here!
Looking to get rid of your high-maintenance lawn? Replacing existing lawns with native plants is a great way to save water, time and energy PLUS provide much-needed habitat and food for local wildlife. The webinar will dive into the benefits of replacing existing lawns with locally native plants and leave you with practical tools to help you transform your lawn into an easy-care, pollinator-friendly space where native plants thrive.
The Polinator Pathway presenter is Jeanne McRight, Founder and President of Blooming Boulevards, an Ontario, Canada-based non-profit whose mission is to “Create networks of residential boulevard gardens that serve as a corridor for native pollinator population movement, enabling bees, butterflies and other pollinating insects to reach each other.”