General Business Meeting
1. Reports
- Minutes – Sarah G
- Treasurer’s Report: Lisa S
- Correspondence Report – Carol G
2. Membership: Stella T
- New members: Deborah Connelly & Cathy Killefer
3. By-Laws Vote – Betsy B
4. Potting Shed – Erin C / Tory W
- Programming Update / Sign-Up Sheets
- Memorandum Of Understanding Signed
- Electrical Panel Costs
5. Scholarship Update – Mary V / Stephanie C
6. Plant Sale Update – Erin C
7. Norwalk Land Trust Letter – Marny S / Sarah G
8. Website Report: Kathy L
9. Environmental Report – Mary V
Program: ‘Ask the Experts’ – Round Robin
Start Time: 10:30am
Our format will be Round Robin Style with six of our Rowayton Gardening Gurus stationed around the meeting room for a quick-fire presentation or hands on learning experience.
Meet Our Gardening Gurus:
- Sally Tepas: ‘Houseplant Propagation’
- Erin Combs & Tory Woodruff: ‘Make a Soil Block’
- Kathy Draper: ‘Fixing’ Flowers for your Home’
- Petrea Poler: ‘Easy, Peasy Paper Pots’
- Sarah Graber: ‘Inspired Ideas for your Perennial Garden’
Don’t miss this opportunity to beat the ‘winter blues’ and gain some springtime inspiration for your home and garden!