9:30 am Arrival / Tea (everyone welcome)
9:45 -10:30 am General Business Meeting
9:45 am Executive Committee Reports
1. Secretary’s Minutes Presented (via email) – Sarah Graber
2. Correspondence Report – Carol Guinta
3. Treasurer’s Rerport – Frani Taylor for Lisa Shanahan
9:50 am Committee Reports (3-5 min each)
1. Environmental – Mary Verel
2. Christmas Market – Frani Taylor
3. Programming – Charlotte Gannon
4. Website / Communications / Yearbook – Kathy Leeds
5. Youth Gardening – Tory Woodruff
6. Potting Shed – Erin Combs
10:15 am New Business
1. Pinkney Memorial Garden Volunteers – Erin Combs
10:30 -11:15 am – Terrain Program “Decorating with Mother Nature; Bring the Outdoors In”
(Due to space limitations, this program is reserved for the 30 members who previously signed up to attend.)
Note: Please bring $5 for refreshments!
This “off-site” business meeting will be held at Terrain in Westport (561 Post Road East).
An article about their opening appeared in The New York Times last year.