
Breakfast Food Drive 2025 – March 28 & March 29

The Rowayton Gardeners are sponsoring their third annual Food Drive to benefit Person to Person March 28 and 29 – last year we donated almost 1000 pounds of food plus over $1000 in gift cards to purchase groceries and this year we hope to surpass those numbers with suggested items for breakfast (cereals, granola bars, peanut butter) as well as gift cards to Shop Rite or Stop & Shop. Drop off days at the Rowayton Community Center’s Underground are Friday, March 28 from 3 to 6 pm and Saturday, March 29 from 10 am to 1 pm or simply click here to make a donation.

Please join in this effort to provide nourishing meals for individuals and families who are food insecure in lower Fairfield County. Thank you in advance!

March 2025 Meeting Recap

“Around the World in 80 Gardens” by Dr. Richard Benfield

The March Rowayton Gardeners’ Program was just the antidote after a cold winter season for the appreciative members and guests who were mesmerized by Dr. Richard Benfield’s presentation “Around the World in 80 Gardens.” (Shown in the first image below with Rowayton Gardeners President Bridget Bennett and Vice President Kevin Tepas at right). The magnificent and colorful photos along with Dr. Benfield’s vast knowledge and repartee, took us on a global sojourn to Singapore, Australia, the Seychelles, the Canary Islands, Europe and the English gardens of Richard’s home country, as well as to unique gardens in Canada and the United States. Dr. Benfield generously brought seed packets for members to take home. It was a memorable morning, to be sure!

Dr. Benfield is the former Chair and Professor of Geography at Central Connecticut State University. His current research interests include biogeography, garden tourism and the use of tourism as a conservation tool through the great botanic gardens of the world.

February Meeting Recap

Thanks to all who joined us to ‘Think Spring’ with a mini escape from those midwinter doldrums for a program called “Design a Sunny Perennial Border” on ZOOM February 6 with Jana Millbocker, lecturer, author and owner of Enchanted Gardens. Her lectures combine horticulture, design and travel tips to educate, inspire and delight new as well as seasoned gardeners.

Jana explained how to create garden borders that will delight us with colorful blooms and flowers for cutting from spring to fall. We learned about plant layering, new and reliable perennials, companion plants and design techniques that will make your garden POP.

During the program we also had Kelle Ruden, the 2nd VP & Membership chair from The Federated Garden Clubs of Connecticut, Inc. attend to present three awards we received in 2024: the Luckner Youth Award for our after school educational program (ages 6-10); the Youth Award Club Citation for educational puppet shows (Kindergarteners) and the very prestigious Tribute Award to Amy Tyson for the outstanding work she does for our club.

It was a proud moment for all.


January General Meeting and Kick-off Brunch Recap

The 2025 season of Rowayton Gardeners Programs and Field Trips kicked off at our perennial favorite New Year Brunch on Thursday, January 9 at the Community Center. RG members braved the cold, blustery winter weather for the January Kick-Off Brunch and meeting!

Attendees were treated to great food plus an information packed presentation by member John Nestro, a certified Master Arborist, with Davey Tree Expert Company.



Rowayton Gardeners Annual Christmas Market Recap

The Rowayton Gardeners annual Christmas Market was the place to be on Saturday morning December 7! Thanks to all who came and shopped our festive decor plus sponsor The Fairfield County Bank as well as supporting sponsors Cross Private Client Insurance (Rand), Tammy Langalis & Katie Sparkman with William Raveis. Happy Holidays!


November Meeting Recap


Rowayton Gardeners’ Program Chair, Amy Tyson, presented “Seasons of Change at Egret Landing”  on Thursday, November 7 at 10:30 am in the Moose Room at the Rowayton Community Center.

Tim and Amy Tyson have owned ‘Egret Landing,’ located in the private community of Wilson Point, since 2009. The presentation details the magical transformation of the property over the past fifteen years.

Amy allowed a ‘virtual walk-about’ of the 1.6-acre property which has been featured in CTCottages and Gardens and East Coast Home and Design. Egret Landing was selected to participate in the highly esteemed Garden Conservancy tours, in June 2024.

Amy shared the vision, planning, and process required to create this one-of-a-kind wonderland. Following the presentation, there was a drawing for a few of Amy’s favorite books on Gardening.

The Need for Trees Library Talk in Norwalk

Trees in Our City: Why They Matter and How You Can Get Involved

An In-Person Talk by Arborist Sarah Cruz  at Norwalk Library

Thursday, November 7, 6:30-7:30pm – Register by email HERE

Join in a discussion on the importance of trees and how Norwalk is working to grow and maintain our urban forest. Learn about the tree planting program, the Tree Master Plan and how the community can participate by requesting or adopting a tree as well as volunteering. Learn about projects like the Microforest at Meadow St Park. Help shape the future of our trees—your input is welcome!

Presenter: Sarah Cruz is Norwalk’s City Arborist and Horticulturist, dedicated to keeping Norwalk’s Urban Forest healthy and thriving. She leads the Tree Planting Program, Tree Master Plan, and Tree Inventory projects, working closely with City departments to ensure proper care and long-term sustainability of Norwalk’s trees. With a Bachelor of Science in Conservation Biology and certification as a CT and ISA Arborist, Sarah has been worked in urban forestry since 2016.

The talk is co-hosted by Norwalk River Watershed Association, Norwalk Land Trust, the City of Norwalk, and the Norwalk Library. Norwalk Library is at 1 Belden Avenue, Norwalk.

Halloween Carvathon 2024 Recap

Thanks to all who came to our Carvathon 2024 – here are photos of the festive fun around our potting shed at the Rowayton Community Center. Then it was a perfect evening for the Rowayton Gardeners’ Pumpkin Stroll which showcased dozens of artfully carved pumpkins by the kids of Rowayton at the Carvathon sessions. RGs spent the day transforming the Potting Shed into a spook-tacular funhouse (special appreciation to members Amy Tyson, Pamela Proctor and Frani Taylor!) The evenings festivities included donuts and cider, Halloween-themed music, Bingo, a Spider Toss and a bevy of costumed RG volunteers aka the ‘good witches’ of Rowayton.



October Meeting Recap

45 enthusiastic members and non-members attended the Rowayton Gardeners’ October 10 evening program at the Rowayton Community Center. Our speaker Jen Plasky, horticulturist, educator and container gardening expert, shared tips of the trade on “Perfect Performing Planters for Fall and Winter.” One lucky attendee took home the planter that Jen created during the presentation!


Need to Know – There’s a New Tick in Town!

There’s a new tick in town! According to the Norwalk Hour, “a tick-borne disease previously seen in the southeastern part of the country had a human case in Connecticut, marking the first report of this disease in the Northeast, according to the Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station. The disease — Rickettsia parkeri rickettsiosis — is transmitted by the Gulf Coast tick, which previously was restricted to the southeastern part of the country but has expanded northward in recent decades.”

Read more in the full article at the link here.