
Have you walked the NRVT Yet?

The Norwalk River Valley Trail will soon be the longest trail in Fairfield County — 30 miles of trail connecting Calf Pasture Beach in Norwalk, Connecticut to Rogers Park in Danbury, passing through Wilton, Ridgefield, and Redding along the way.Continue reading“Have you walked the NRVT Yet?”

Rowayton Gardeners Welcomes New Members!

The Rowayton Gardeners Club welcomes new members who want to “roll up their sleeves” and get involved. Let us know your interests, discover ways to participate on our Membership Page.

Want to Help Out?

Rowayton Gardeners – Are you looking for a way to get involved and help out? To connect with those in charge and join in, visit our Current Volunteer Opportunities for Members page! Our work goes on year round so garden-related activities and events is a great way to meet fellow members and learn gardening skills.

A Tribute To The Monarch Butterfly

Helping Monarch butterflies to thrive in your garden requires some basic knowledge of their life cycle and migration paths so that you know how to support them through these two journeys they take in their lifetime. You will also need some ideas for garden layouts and plants they love. Thanks to Hermann Samano and Porch for sending this comprehensive article about how to turn your back yard into a butterfly friendly habitat! 

Plant Terminology: Hybrids, Heirlooms, and More

Gardeners Supply Company has a nifty article on what those words used to describe plants actually mean.  Author Suzanne de John says, “Choosing plant varieties can be challenging; however, understanding certain horticulture terms can go a long way to helping you choose just the right plants for your needs. You may have seen terms like F1 hybrid or cultivar and wondered just what they mean — and, more importantly, why it matters. Here’s a rundown of some common terms.

Recycling Reminders from Norwalk

Do NOT bag (paper or plastic), box or bundle recyclables! Put them loose in your recycling bin, EMPTY, RINSED AND CLEAN.  Please do NOT put the following items in your blue bin: plastic checkout bags, plastic garbage bags or plastic film (produce bags, newspaper bags), plastic bubble wrap, plastic pillows or packing peanuts, Styrofoam, plastic or wire hangers, snack packaging (chip bags, candy wrappers, etc.), bagged food packaging (salad mixes, pre-cut fruits and vegetables, etc.), plastic juice pouches, plastic straws…

Continue reading“Recycling Reminders from Norwalk”

Dangerous Winter Holiday Plants for Pets

During the holidays, plants play a prominent role in festive decorations. However, there are some types of decorative plants that are toxic to dogs and cats. In some cases, only mild indigestion and discomfort will result; in other cases, the toxicity can lead to more severe health problems, and even fatalities. It’s time to review the seasonal plants and decorations that can be dangerous to our furry friends.  Please take a look at this list from PetMD and take care!

Feeding Birds in Winter – The Top Ten Foods

Bill Thompson, Editor of Bird Watcher’s Digest, has created an informative list of foods that will tempt and nourish North American birds.  There are a couple of surprising suggestions!  Click here to see the full article.

Fallen Leaves and Their Uses in the Garden

To rake or not to rake – that is the question! Horticulture’s Greg Coppa has devised a plan to make the most of Nature’s autumn bounty. I have come to look at fallen leaves as a gift from Mother Nature. My neighbors to the north and west smile as September and October winds transport their pretty, lightweight, nutrient-packed foliage into knee-high drifts in my yard. They think I’m unlucky, but I’ve learned to think, “Keep ‘em coming!” Read more of his inspiring article here.

Risks of Pesticides on Lawns and in Homes

Environment and Human Health, Inc. (EHHI) has produced a brochure on the risks of pesticide uses in homes and on lawns. This brochure is easy to read and download.  Rowayton Gardeners are committed to providing information about chemical-free, organic solutions for lawn and garden care and we thank EHHI for this information. Please take a look here and spread the word.