
Fairfield County Local Farm & Food Guide

Connecticut NOFA has a new Farm & Food Guide for our area (note that you can search all of the State, too). It’s a bit early now, but you will soon be able to supplement (or replace) your trips to the supermarkets to find fresh local produce.  Find out where and when using this great tool!

New Helpful Links for Gardening with Kids

Spring is almost upon us and there are a huge number of websites that focus on how to enjoy gardening with your kids. Garden centers in the area are open and you’ll find the supplies of plants, seeds, tools and organic fertilizers you need to get going on some fun activities for kids of all ages. Take a look on our homepage for links to some of the best. Make gardening a part of your “at home school.” Let us know if you have a favorite site to add to the list and recommend!


For the past two and a half months, news of the Coronavirus spread and repercussions has stunned us with the rapidly accelerating impact of the virus. We have followed the lead of our District Commissioners and canceled all of our scheduled spring activities, including meetings, speakers and workshops.  In addition, and with an abundance of caution, we recently announced the cancellation of our May fundraiser, the Spring Market. No matter how beloved these events are to our members and friends, they are not worth increasing the risk the virus poses to us all.  We urge you all to stay safe and to think of the danger that gathering in groups can cause to others.  Together we can fight Coronavirus by remaining apart!  Consult our online calendar to see events that have been deleted or postponed. We’ll let you know if and when things are rescheduled.

Hort Report: Pruning Tips for Winter

Thanks to Horticulture Chair Kevin Tepas for this information about winter pruning!  Adapted from BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine.

Many garden plants benefit from pruning, but it’s important to prune at the right time of year, in the right way. Many plants should be pruned in the winter months, while they’re dormant. Pruning in winter encourages flowers and fruit, can encourage a good shape, promotes strong growth and helps to stop disease taking hold. Do not prune when the temperature is 20° or below, however, as this extreme cold can cause dieback in pruned limbs. Plants which should be pruned in the winter months while they’re dormant include the following (click here)

Recycling Reminders in Norwalk

Last spring, the City of Norwalk issued new guidelines for recycling in response to the dramatic changes in the recycling business. Almost a year later, some confusion remains about what belongs in the blue recycling bin and what should be relegated to the trash. Note that plastic bags are NOT welcome in the blue bin as they are detrimental to the sorting machinery. Now that they have been banned in Norwalk, we expect fewer around to muck up the recycling works, but please remember to shake recyclables out of the plastic bag used to collect them and stash IT in the trash.  Here is the full list of what should be IN the bin and what should be OUT.

12 New Year’s Resolutions for Gardeners

Happy New Year from Horticulture Magazine! Here are twelve resolutions for the coming months that include many things you may already have on your “to-do” list…but also others worth adding. Click here to read the full article.

Garden Design Retrospective for 2019

Garden Design Magazine has just mailed a summary with links to the most loved articles from the past year: “We can’t believe 2019 is almost over! We’ve got exciting things happening in 2020, and hope you do too. While looking forward is always good, looking back can be just as fun.” To subscribe to their monthly newsletter, click here.

Alert: Plants Can Harm Your Pets This Holiday Season

There are some types of decorative plants that are toxic to dogs and cats. In some cases, only mild indigestion and discomfort will result, in other cases, the toxicity can lead to more severe health problems, and even fatalities. If you are planning to bring holiday foliage into your home this season, you will need to know which plants are safe, which should be kept out of your pet’s reach, and which should be avoided entirely. Read the entire article from PetMD online here.

How to Prepare Your Garden for Winter

Garden Design has a good list of things to do to prepare your garden for the cold weather ahead. “In mid-to-late fall, gardeners in colder climates start thinking about winter; not necessarily because they’re looking forward to it, but because they know that without proper precautions, cold temperatures, drying winds and snow cover can all cause problems in their landscape. Continue reading“How to Prepare Your Garden for Winter”

Hort Report: Beware the Spotted Lanternfly

A new invasive pest has emerged and it is very important that we keep a sharp eye out for signs that it is in our area. The Spotted Lantern Fly, is yet another unwanted invader from Asia. These flying/jumping insects propagate readily and have no known natural predators to keep them in check. They are very destructive and will damage our local trees significantly. Continue reading“Hort Report: Beware the Spotted Lanternfly”