The Rowayton Gardeners are happy to announce that the children’s after-school nature program is back in action this spring! Join us at the Potting Shed to explore nature’s wonders right outside our shed. Guided by instructors, children will learn about the interdependence between people, animals and plants. Our spring series will focus on the wonder of seeds and soil, trees, flowers and the food they produce.
The four sessions will be offered as a package available to children ages 7-10 on Wednesdays from 4:00-5:15 pm on May 1, May 15, May 22 and May 29. The fee of $140.00 will cover the cost of four programs, class materials and a snack. Scholarships available.
We can only accommodate 15 children, so please register as soon as possible. Register and pay online. There are no refunds for classes missed by the students. Should a class be cancelled by the Rowayton Gardeners, there will be a make-up class or refund offered.
Questions or need further info? Contact: Elizabeth Harleman (eharleman@gmail.com)