Rose Garden Work Session

Please join us each Monday morning (weather permitting) to start the week off right at 8:30 am!  Under the guidance of our leader, Susanne Miller, we will plant, weed, prune and generally do good things to the rose garden along the lower parking lot at the Rowayton Community Center.  It’s …

Rose Garden Work Session

Please join us each Monday morning (weather permitting) to start the week off right at 8:30 am!  Under the guidance of our leader, Susanne Miller, we will plant, weed, prune and generally do good things to the rose garden along the lower parking lot at the Rowayton Community Center.  It’s …

Rose Garden Work Session

Please join us each Monday morning (weather permitting) to start the week off right at 8:30 am!  Under the guidance of our leader, Susanne Miller, we will plant, weed, prune and generally do good things to the rose garden along the lower parking lot at the Rowayton Community Center.  It’s …

Rose Garden Work Session

Please join us each Monday morning (weather permitting) to start the week off right at 8:30 am!  Under the guidance of our leader, Susanne Miller, we will plant, weed, prune and generally do good things to the rose garden along the lower parking lot at the Rowayton Community Center.  It’s …

Rose Garden Work Session

Please join us each Monday morning (weather permitting) to start the week off right at 8:30 am!  Under the guidance of our leader, Susanne Miller, we will plant, weed, prune and generally do good things to the rose garden along the lower parking lot at the Rowayton Community Center.  It’s …

Rose Garden Work Session

Please join us each Monday morning (weather permitting) to start the week off right at 8:30 am!  Under the guidance of our leader, Susanne Miller, we will plant, weed, prune and generally do good things to the rose garden along the lower parking lot at the Rowayton Community Center.  It’s …

Rose Garden Work Session

Please join us each Monday morning (weather permitting) to start the week off right at 8:30 am!  Under the guidance of our leader, Susanne Miller, we will plant, weed, prune and generally do good things to the rose garden along the lower parking lot at the Rowayton Community Center.  It’s …

Rose Garden Work Session

Please join us each Monday morning (weather permitting) to start the week off right at 8:30 am!  Under the guidance of our leader, Susanne Miller, we will plant, weed, prune and generally do good things to the rose garden along the lower parking lot at the Rowayton Community Center.  It’s …

Rose Garden Work Session

Please join us each Monday morning (weather permitting) to start the week off right at 8:30 am!  Under the guidance of our leader, Susanne Miller, we will plant, weed, prune and generally do good things to the rose garden along the lower parking lot at the Rowayton Community Center.  It’s …

RPTA/RG Social

All are welcome as we host a Fall Social with the Rowayton Paddle Tennis Association.  We’ll have soup tasting, a garlic bulb sale, and great activities for kids, including pumpkin bedazzling, and creating gourd people!  Stop by and see us at the Potting Shed.

Paper White Tea – Join Us!

Plant a lovely bulb arrangement while you enjoy some ‘Secret Garden’ tea and nibbles. We’ll provide the bulbs, instructions and a hands-on program on how to force Paper White Narcissus. Bring your own container (glass, ceramic, or metal) and take home a special holiday gift for yourself, a friend or family member. Date & Time: …

Christmas Market Setup

From 1 pm until we finish, participants will arrange the Market “goods” in the Moose Room and Courtyard, also readying the Board Room for cashiers.  Many hands make light work – join us and be the first to see all the products that will be offered for sale at the …

Christmas Market 2014

The 2014 Christmas Market will take place from 10 am to 1 pm at the Rowayton Community Center.  More details about items to be offered for sale will be forthcoming.  Members will serve on setup, cleanup, cashier and holding area crews.

Potting Shed Cleanup

This crazy un-spring-like weather has made it difficult to arrange a decent clean-up at the Potting Shed this month.  As many of you might have noticed, the grounds surrounding the Potting Shed are in pretty bad shape.  The district hauled out an old septic tank / line and have left quite …

Plant Sale Prep

The entire week of April 27th will be devoted to getting ready for the Spring Plant & Tag Sale! If you can come by any time that week between 9:30 am and 2:30 pm, you’ll be able to join other worker bees who are buzzing around the Potting Shed to …

Plant Sale Prep

The entire week of April 27th will be devoted to getting ready for the Spring Plant & Tag Sale! If you can come by any time that week between 9:30 am and 2:30 pm, you’ll be able to join other worker bees who are buzzing around the Potting Shed to …

Plant Sale Prep

The entire week of April 27th will be devoted to getting ready for the Spring Plant & Tag Sale! If you can come by any time that week between 9:30 am and 2:30 pm, you’ll be able to join other worker bees who are buzzing around the Potting Shed to …

Plant Sale Prep

The entire week of April 27th will be devoted to getting ready for the Spring Plant & Tag Sale! If you can come by any time that week between 9:30 am and 2:30 pm, you’ll be able to join other worker bees who are buzzing around the Potting Shed to …

Perennial Transport & Setup

On the morning Friday, May 1st, we will need volunteers to help move the plants from Tammy’s house to the Community Center starting at 9:30 am. Let Tammy know if you can help with transportation. Note that our “digs” will likely take place the last two weeks of April due to the …

Fall Family Harvest Festival

Join us on Sunday, September 20th from 4-6 pm as we enjoy a fun afternoon at the Potting Shed filled with a variety of garden events and activities for the entire family, followed by a communal potluck harvest dinner (BYOB).  There will be scarecrow making and pumpkin be-dazzling, woodworking, Fairy World and …

Field Trip to Lake Avenue Farm

You won’t want to miss this exciting opportunity to have an insider’s look at one of the most exquisite properties in Fairfield County. Serenely set on over 15 acres, Lake Avenue Farm, is a private oasis of ornamental plantings, two vegetable gardens and greenhouses, orchards, woodland gardens and water features….a …

RPTA/RG Social

There will be more details to come about this fun afternoon at the Potting Shed as we join our friends at the Rowayton Paddle Tennis Association Social. Come check out the activities and events from 12:30 to 3:30 pm on Sunday, October 11th.

Amaryllis Tea

Join us at our annual holiday inspired morning with bulb planting, tea & goodies, poetry, & fabulous gift-buying tips! The cost to attend is $25 members/$30 non-members. Please submit your registration below and send your check for the amount due to Amy Tyson, 6 Point Road, Norwalk, CT 06854.  Note that …

Thanksgiving Potluck Dinner

What fabulous fun – an evening to share and sample creative and healthy options for your Thanksgiving feast with your friends from town. The charge is $25 per person (due by November 11th and non-refundable). Please submit  the form below and then send your check made out to Rowayton Gardeners to: Samira …

Flower Show

Rowayton Gardeners and Rowayton Historical Society join talents in presenting a National Garden Club Small Standard Flower Show at Pinkney Park’s Seeley-Dibble Pinkney House on Rowayton Avenue on March 12-13, 2016.  The theme for the show is “Celebrating Historical Rowayton,” set inside the Rowayton Historical Society’s gray shingled house, built between 1790-1820, which sits alongside …

Flower Show

Rowayton Gardeners and Rowayton Historical Society join talents in presenting a National Garden Club Small Standard Flower Show at Pinkney Park’s Seeley-Dibble Pinkney House on Rowayton Avenue on March 12-13, 2016.  The theme for the show is “Celebrating Historical Rowayton,” set inside the Rowayton Historical Society’s gray shingled house, built between 1790-1820, which sits alongside …

Mother-Son Dirt Fest

Registration is full for this event.  Please contact Tory Woodruff if you would like to be put on a wait list. This is the rowdy evening mothers and sons (6 to 12 years old) have been dying for. Come get dirty with us at our 2nd Annual Mother-Son Dirt Fest on April 22nd …

Soups, Salads and ‘Scapes

Please join us for a magical, informative and inspiring evening at the Potting Shed! Our talented Potting Shed Team will share tips, techniques and recipes that will help reduce anxiety when you’re preparing for entertaining at home for family and friends. You’ll enjoy a smorgasbord of regional and international aromas and flavors …

Fall Harvest Fest

It’s back!  Our 4th annual September Harvest Fest is rapidly approaching. You won’t want to miss one of our best events of our year. Come help us kick off the fall season. We will be featuring all your favorite activities: scarecrow making, mini gourd painting and bedazzling, and lawn games for …

Honey Tasting Night

Join us for an evening of Honey Tasting with Marina Marchese & Red Bee at The Potting Shed Our special honey tasting evening is back! Do you LOVE honey?  Come spend a sweet evening with Marina Marchese of Red Bee Honey, apiarist & friend to the Rowayton Gardeners. Along with Marina’s fascinating tales …

Winter Wreath Making

It is drawing near to that time of year where we find ourselves huddled up inside dreaming of green leaves and warmer temps.  As Gardeners, we love to surround ourselves with those “gorgeous garden fresh memories” so as to remind us that all seasons have inspirational green features. These reminders help to …

Earth Day Trash Bash

To celebrate Earth Day, the RCA is running the Trash Bash again this year along with Rowayton Historical Society and Norwalk Land Trust. And like last year, Rowayton Gardeners will be participating in force. We had a great turnout last year and would like to continue the trend.  No need to …

Succulent Social

Have you ever dreamed of creating a whimsical succulent garden on a beautiful foraged log? Now is your chance! Please join us and our local succulent expert Trish O’Sullivan as we nibble some tasty assortment of apps courtesy of Maikana Foods, sip a seasonally inspired cocktail & plant up a truly …

Spring Market

The Rowayton Gardeners’ Annual Spring Plant Sale fundraiser will be held Saturday, May 6th (rain or shine), from 9 am – 12 pm at The Potting Shed, located behind the Rowayton Community Center at 33 Highland Avenue.

Memorial Day Parade

Please come and join us in a wonderful Rowayton Gardeners annual tradition! Help us to decorate our float & march with us in the Rowayton Memorial Day Parade. We will gather on Highland Ave next to the top of the dog park on Sunday, May 28th at 11:15 am to help decorate(the parade …

Beekeeping 101

Is beekeeping for you?  Back by popular demand, our Potting Shed friend Marina Marchese of Red Bee Honey in weston is offering a guided tour on Tuesday, September 12th, from 6 to 8:30 pm. She will lead us on a walking tour to 3 outstanding and unique beehives located in …

Fall Harvest Fest

Our annual fall Harvest Fest is today, Sunday, September 17th, from 4 to 6 pm. We will be featuring all your favorite family activities: scarecrow making, hayrides on our old red farm tractor, mini-gourd painting and bedazzling and lawn games for the whole family.  It’s an afternoon not to be missed! We …

Members Cocktail Party

Members and their spouses/significant others are invited to our annual cocktail party at the Potting Shed!  Contact Sally Tepas to let us know you are coming and bring a small plate of hors d’oeuvres to share.  The gathering will take place from 5 to 7 pm – you won’t want …

Kykuit Trip

Don’t miss our first outing of the season to KYKUIT, the Landmark National Trust, classical revival home to 4 generations of the Rockefeller family. Our docent-led tour will emphasize the extensive, terraced gardens with classical and contemprorary sculpture and mangificent views of the Hudson in early fall glory. A boxed …

Backyard Birds 101

Have you always wanted to collect fresh eggs from your very own backyard chicken coop?  Do you have enough space and what it takes to be a suburban chicken farmer? Yes, you do!  Come meet Traci Torres, the CEO of She will answer all of your questions and help …

Herb Boxes To Go Workshop

Please, join us on Tuesday, May 8th, from 10 am to noon for this ‘Kick Off to Spring’ program at the Potting Shed. Linda Fleming, Master Gardener, Expert Herbalist and a frequent lecturer at garden clubs and the Herb Society of America’s Connecticut Symposium, will share valuable tips on making our own unique …

Spring Awakening

Weather permitting, we will be doing our annual “house” (and yard) cleaning from 9:30 to 11:30 am on Tuesday, March 19th (snow date is March 20th, just in case). If you’d like to help out, please join our crew to throw open the doors and windows, sweep and dust, and …

Spring Market 2019

The 2019 Spring Market will be held at The Potting Shed, located behind the Rowayton Community Center at  33 Highland Avenue on Saturday, May 18th from 10 am to 1 pm.   Knowledgeable Rowayton Gardeners will be on hand to assist with your purchases of freshly-dug perennials and shrubs, a …

Our World, Your Call:

Norwalk Land Trust, Rowayton Gardeners and Rowayton Library will present a forum at Rowayton Community Center about the health of Long Island Sound, it’s harbors and our rivers in the fourth segment of their “Our Earth: Your Call” series on environmental impacts and how we can make a difference. There is no fee …

A Fascination with Pumpkins

Please join us for a special evening at the Potting Shed on October 15th from 5:30 to 7 pm when Terrain Designer, Deborah Herbertson, will present “A Fascination with Pumpkins.” Everything’s coming up PUMPKINS for this demo and hands-on program with one of our favorite presenters.Ms. Herbertson will demonstrate how …

Rowayton Turkey Trot

We are pleased to announce that the Rowayton Gardeners will once again be a beneficiary of the annual Rowayton Turkey Trot, a 5k or 1 mile fun run which takes place on Thanksgiving morning 9.30 am, from the Community Center at 33 Highland Avenue. Its a great way to start …

Christmas Market 2019

Bring the whole family Saturday, December 7th from 9 am to 1 pm to the Rowayton Gardeners’ Annual Christmas Market at the Community Center, 33 Highland Avenue. On December 7th, the Rowayton Community Center will transform into a stunning showcase of holiday decorations.  The Market will feature designer-quality wreaths and center …

Intro to Ikebana

Learn the basics of Ikebana – an exquisite form of Japanese flower arranging. All materials included and light refreshments will be served. Register here:

Carvathon 2021 – Carving Day #1

Join us for one of our most popular family activities! We will provide the carving tools, the pumpkins, our ever-charming Potting Shed ambiance and friendly volunteer staff. As always, we’ll offer two afternoons of carving, (choose Wednesday, October 20th or Thursday, October 21st, both from 4 to 5:30 pm ), followed by an evening Pumpkin …

Carvathon 2021 – Carving Day #2

Join us for one of our most popular family activities! We will provide the carving tools, the pumpkins, our ever-charming Potting Shed ambiance and friendly volunteer staff. As always, we’ll offer two afternoons of carving, (choose Wednesday, October 20th or Thursday, October 21st, both from 4 to 5:30 pm ), followed by an evening Pumpkin …

Carvathon 2021 – Pumpkin Stroll

Join us for one of our most popular family activities! We will provide the carving tools, the pumpkins, our ever-charming Potting Shed ambiance and friendly volunteer staff. As always, we’ll offer two afternoons of carving, (choose Wednesday, October 20th or Thursday, October 21st, both from 4 to 5:30 pm ), followed by an evening Pumpkin …

Discover Meadowmaking

Did you know that more than 75 percent of all residential land is covered in turf grass? Maintaining an expansive green lawn is not very realistic when you consider challenges like chemical use, weather, weeds and pests. A meadow, large or small, is an alternative. We are pleased to have …

Lunch & Learn at the Potting Shed: Hot Topics in Horticulture

This month’s program will feature Master Gardener Kevin Tepas, who currently serves as co-Vice President and Horticulture Chair for the Gardeners. He’ll lead our November Lunch and Learn program: ‘Hot Topics in Horticulture.’ Combining wisdom and wit, Kevin makes learning fun, and he’ll be answering your questions on gardening and horticulture throughout …

In Person Christmas Market

Our Traditional Christmas Market will take place from 9 am to 1 pm at the Rowayton Community Center, 33 Highland Avenue.  Come early for the best selection! The Market will feature designer-quality wreaths and center pieces, one-of-a-kind gifts, plum pudding, mini trees and ornaments – all reasonably priced. A range …

Planting in a Time of Climate Change

Meaningful progress on climate change in this decade will require significant changes to almost every global sector, including energy, transportation, manufacturing, agriculture, and land use. Our November speaker, Christine Darnell, will provide insights and guidance on this important topic. Owner of Christine Darnell Gardens, Christine operates a boutique landscape and …

Field Trip to Wave Hill

Please join the Rowayton Gardeners for a fabulous field trip to Wave Hill, a spectacular 28-acre site in the Riverdale section of the Bronx that includes public gardens, a greenhouse, an 8-acre woodland, and two houses on the property. Famous tenants have included Mark Twain, the Theodore Roosevelt family, and …

All About Monarchs

The Rowayton Gardeners are calling all kids, ages 6-10 (accompanied by a parent/adult), to come to the Potting Shed for a fun and informative program on Monarchs and Milkweed. Alice Ely, master gardener and certified Monarch Habitat creator, is our areas ‘mother of Monarchs.’ Alice will show us, and tell …

FGCCT Presidents Day

Wednesday, September 21, at 10am.  FGCCT Zoom Club Presidents Day Federated Garden Club of Connecticut now holds this meeting every year, on Zoom. This means Presidents may invite others in their club to attend as well. If others wish to come, too, each must respond, and send an email address …

Spring Market 2023

On Saturday, May 13th, the Potting Shed located behind the Rowayton Community Center, 33 Highland Ave., will become a wonderland of over 400 hearty and gorgeous perennials donated from our local gardens, pollinator-friendly plants, herbs, greenhouse – grown veggies and a limited number of fabulous annuals. Our master gardeners will …

Field Trip to Stonegate Farms

Join us on Thursday, September 21st for a field trip to Stonegate Farms in Balmville, New York. Please join the Rowayton Gardeners for a spectacular September Field Trip to Stonegate Farm, an 1860s estate farm near Newburgh in Balmville, NY, where Matthew Benson grows and shares the vegetables, fruits and …

March General Meeting and Program

Location: Rowayton Community Center Moose Room Program: Success with Hydrangeas with Lorraine Ballato Lorraine Ballato is an expert horticulturist, an instructor at the New York Botanical Gardens and the region’s authority on hydrangeas. Her most recent book, Success with Hydrangeas, is an international best seller. Through slides and discussion, learn …

Breakfast Food Drive 2024

The Rowayton Gardeners are sponsoring their second annual Food Drive to benefit Person to Person March 15 and 16 – last year we donated 1000 pounds of food plus over $1000 in gift cards to purchase groceries and this year we hope to surpass those numbers with suggested items for …

Breakfast Food Drive 2024

The Rowayton Gardeners are sponsoring their second annual Food Drive to benefit Person to Person March 15 and 16 – last year we donated 1000 pounds of food plus over $1000 in gift cards to purchase groceries and this year we hope to surpass those numbers with suggested items for …

April General Meeting and Program

Location: Rowayton Community Center Moose Room Program: Gardening Strategies for the Climate Crisis, with Kim Eierman Climate change, flooding, drought, rampant species loss and diminished ecological resources are now environmental realities. It’s time to connect the ecological dots and to make a difference – starting with our own properties. Many …

Spring Market 2024

The annual Spring Market returns Saturday, May 11 at the Potting Shed located behind the Rowayton Community Center from 10 am to 1 pm (rain or shine). It is a wonderland of over 400 hearty and gorgeous perennials donated from our local gardens plus pollinator-friendly plants, herbs and greenhouse-grown veggies, …

Field Trip – New York Botanical Gardens: “Wonderland Curious Nature”

Be part of a one-of-a-kind experience. It’s unbelievable. It’s unfamiliar. It’s the New York Botanical Gardens (NYBG) like never before! Head down the rabbit hole as “Wonderland Curious Nature” transforms 250 acres through the classic story of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. An exhibition specialist will guide our group on a two-hour private tour …

Carvathon Carving Session 1

Join us for one of our most popular family activities! We will provide the carving tools, the pumpkins and ever-charming Potting Shed ambiance plus friendly volunteer staff. As always, we’ll offer two afternoons of carving, (choose Wednesday, October 23 or Thursday, October 24 from 4-5:30 pm) followed by an evening Pumpkin Stroll (Friday, October …

Carvathon Pumpkin Stroll

Join us for one of our most popular family activities! We will provide the carving tools, the pumpkins and ever-charming Potting Shed ambiance plus friendly volunteer staff. As always, we’ll offer two afternoons of carving, (choose Wednesday, October 23 or Thursday, October 24 from 4-5:30 pm) followed by an evening Pumpkin Stroll (Friday, October …

Christmas Market 2024

Don’t miss the Rowayton Gardeners annual Christmas Market on Saturday, December 7 from 9 am to 1 pm in the Potting Shed at the Rowayton Community Center, 33 Highland Avenue, Rowayton. This popular fundraising holiday event features designer-quality wreaths and centerpieces, one-of-a-kind gifts, plum pudding, as well as mini trees …

Christmas Tree Sale

On Sunday December 15 at 9am, the Rowayton Gardeners will join forces with the RCA for the Annual Christmas Tree Sale at Pinkney Park. This sale is held every year the day after the Nativity Pageant to sell the trees that were the lovely set décor for the Nativity Pageant. …